M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM; Sa, 8 AM - 3:30. Closed Sundays.
(609) 392-7035 Google Maps
Gravitas: Decor:
Johnny’s has been operating at the same location since the early 1970s. When he first opened, the ‘Burg was a thriving Little Italy. Today it’s a somewhat grittier, but now booming Latino quarter (Chenche y Chole is across the street). Somehow Johnny’s has stayed open through the transition, though how he managed to do so is a bit of a mystery.

But what’s not a mystery is Johnny makes the best Trenton Pork Roll sandwich in town. Now, I confess, I don’t like Pork Roll. To me, it’s like eating a grilled bologna sandwich and reminds me of the worst culinary practices of my youth. But that’s me.
For many, Trenton Pork Roll has achieved a cult status. If you’re one of those people (or simply pork-roll-curious), head out to Johnny’s and order one of his breakfast sandwiches. Or, for lunch, get the “California Pork Roll” sandwich pictured in the header: grilled pork roll, melted cheese, lettuce, tomato. Even I enjoyed it! And Johnny himself is affable, charming, and a font of local lore.
There’s really no place to eat at Johnny’s. So if you like this kind of thing, pick up a sandwich to go, and head over to Trenton Coffee around the corner for a superb cup of joe to complete an authentic Trenton breakfast experience.
Thanks to Iana and Jon for telling me about this place!