Open Wed-Sat 9AM-6PM; Sunday 10AM-3PM
(609) 775-5087 Website Google Maps
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Walt Czajkowsi is on a mission to bring top quality pies, artisan breads, and pastries to the Trenton area. Where many of the old-line Trenton bakeries have dumbed-down their offerings to make them more affordable, the Pie’d Piper is achieving a nice balance between top quality and reasonable price.
Fruit pies are made with in-season fruit from local farmers with no added sugars and real butter crusts.
Walt makes over 25 different artisan breads including a SF-style Sour Dough.
Signficantly, Walt also stocks cheeses and other gourmet items, and makes what are (by several accounts) fabulous Perogis. A wonderful addition to the Trenton Farmer’s market.
Oh but the BEST thing he makes are the pierogi. If you come early in the morning, you can get them while they’re still warm! Fresh pierogi made with sauerkraut, mushroom, potatoes, cheeses, and all sorts of other delights–just bring them home, sauté them up to heat them, and serve them up. Utterly scrumptious. He brings a different selection every day, often with unusual items (such as sweet cheese or blueberry) as well as the regular selections. Don’t skip the sauerkraut!