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Do you need a sign for your business? Or for your home? Perhaps real gold leaf lettering to show through a window, say for the house number of your historic Trenton row-house? Or maybe you own a retro-bar, and want a real neon sign? Or maybe an LED imitation? Your block association wants a carved wood sign to finish off the neighborhood playground they worked so hard to raise the money for?
For all of these applications, and many more, the best sign maker in central New Jersey just happens to be located in Trenton.
George is one of the few artisans around who can still hand paint an “old school” sign, or create an honest-to-goodness real neon sign from scratch. But he also knows the new technology, and can build one in 9-colors of LEDs, if that’s what you want. No job is too small, none too large: from $200 to $20,000 or more, George is your guy.
He can also do the ENTIRE job, from concept to art-work, to creating the sign, and installing it. He’s been in business in Trenton for more than 30 years. Most of the really nice signs in Trenton and across Mercer County (e.g. the ones put up by the Old Mill Hill Society) are his work.
Z Signs always does a standup job on our local signs! Highly recommend.