Open Wed-Sat 9AM-6PM; Sunday 10AM-3PM
(609) 325-7357 Website Google Maps
Gravitas: Decor:
(Covid Update Dec 2021 – in business) Chef Jeff McCay, if he’s not too busy, will try to catch your eye you as you pass by. He’ll offer you a free sample, and you’ll wonder why there’s a wry grin on his face. By all means accept the sample, though if you’re hungry, be prepared to sit down and order a meal on the spot. That’s what my wife and I did, and we were planning on eating crepes.
Superb BBQ is to be had here. The full fat variety evokes a deep, atavistic yearning for more. Fatty are the ribs, pulled pork, and brisket that make up much of the menu. But the Chicken is nearly as flavorful and more or less guilt-free (though it doesn’t quite stiumulate your hunter-gatherer mid-brain the way the high fat items do). Whether chicken, beef, or pork, all of the meats taste of slow cooking in a hickory-fired smoker.
Jeff makes a first class cole slaw. I also love the beans, though (full reporting) they left my wife indifferent. No problem, though, we went back the next week and she ordered her sandwich platter with double cole slaw. The food is that good – we came back for seconds within a week. My only complaint is that the hours are limited to the Farmer’s Market. So plan ahead to bring some home.
Over rated
Well, everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Can you name a local place that’s better? I can’t.