M-Sa, 9AM - 5PM
(609) 394-8300 Website Google Maps
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The Autovalet Car Wash is located in a converted trolley barn on Lalor Street, right off 129 near the southern border of Trenton. It happens to be one of the nicest car washes you’ll ever visit and provides a pleasant waiting room with a nicely executed historical exhibit about the structure.
It also happens to be one of the most reasonable car washes in central NJ: you can get a basic wash for $5, and can vacuum out your car yourself for free (just make sure you do it before the wash). You can also opt for “Red Carpet Service” where guys out front will do a complete interior cleaning for $12. It’s not quite “detailing” but it’s quite thorough. They remove and wash your floor mats, vacuum the entire interior, and really clean out your entire vehicle very nicely. It’s roughly half what you’ll pay in Princeton or Lawrenceville for worse service.
The other half of the trolley barn is a quick oil change service establishment. I’ve not used it, but it’s priced about 10% less than Jiffy Lube, and includes a free car wash (the $10 service level which includes spray wax and some other features). So it’s really a good deal.
When you get the red carpet, they do the best job anywhere around. Can’t be beat, but for some reason it never cost me 12 bucks. Always more.
And it must be near Shan Restaurant!
Will definitely try this soon.
It’s not a bad car wash, just remember to turn your mirrors in and take your antenna off. It’s a little rough.
Use it all the time! Great car wash!